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On Sunday, Jan. 22, Envoy ran a special charter to take wounded U.S. veterans and their families from veterans’ hospitals near Washington D.C. (DCA) and San Antonio (SAT), to Vail, Colorado for a week of skiing. Another Envoy charter on Thurs. Jan. 26 took the group back home.

“This is the second year that Envoy has supported the Vail Veterans Program, and once again it was an honor to volunteer and help organize this year’s winter trip,” said System Operations Control Slots game onlineDirector, Robert Nault. “The veterans – many whom had lost limbs in service – all had a great time with adapted skiing lessons, bowling and many other family activities in the Colorado mountains. I’d also like to extend a special thank you to the flight crews and Envoy volunteers who helped make this trip a success.”

Click here to view photos from the trip.

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