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Online Live CasinoOn Saturday, April 15, students at Purdue got to see an Envoy-operated Embraer 175 up close and talk with members of the Air Operations Recruitment team as part of Purdue Aviation Day.

All throughout the day, attendees – students, families, children and aviation enthusiasts – lined up to get a closer looks at more than 25 airplanes parked on the ramp. Many of the hundreds of people who scoped out our E175 had never even boarded a plane until then, let alone had the chance to sit in the Captain’s seat and learn more about the plane from an actual commercial airline pilot.

“As a Purdue graduate, and someone who used to organize Purdue Aviation Day back when I was a student here, it meant the world to me to be able to fly one of our newest planes in for the online live casino gamesevent,” said Envoy Air Operations Manager, First Officerbest online betting sites. “Events such as these are an important part of building the Envoy brand and recruiting the next generation of pilots and aviation professionals.”

When attendees weren’t catching up with our pilots on the flight deck, they were walking around the hangar and ramp learning about all the different roles in the aviation industry, grabbing a bite to eat at one of the various onsite food trucks and watching a special demonstration done by the U.S. Army Golden Knights Parachute Team.

“This is Envoy’s second year in a row as a Presenting Sponsor of Purdue Aviation Day,” added Austin. “We believe Purdue University produces some of the best best online betting sitesaviation professionals in the industry, so we’re excited to promote and support them along the way.”

We’re already looking forward to next year’s event – see you in 2024, Purdue!

Click here to view more photos of the event.

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