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In celebration of National Siblings Day, we interviewed brother/sister duo, Best Online Betting Sitesand Camille Wong, who are both currently Envoy Cadet Instructors at ATP Flight School. The siblings share how they came to pursue their passion for aviation and how they are now helping others achieve their dreams of becoming pilots as Envoy Cadet Instructors.

Family first

Dan and Camille are both first-generation pilots in their family in America. Their parents, who are both nurses from the Philippines, have been very supportive of their choice of career. They are also very close as siblings, despite their seven-year age gap. They credit their parents for making them best friends.

“They’re our number one supporter,” shared Dan. “They have always been there for us and they just want us to do our best.”

Dan initially wanted to become an accountant, but after playing basketball professionally in the Philippines, he came back to the U.S. and started Best Online Betting Siteslooking for jobs in finance. It was then that his girlfriend, who is a flight attendant for Emirates, suggested that he become a pilot. He never thought that being a pilot could be a profession of his, but after his father helped him do some research, he decided to pursue it.

Anything you can do, I can do too

Camille’s interest in an aviation career was piqued when Dan began his journey to the flight deck. Once she graduated college, she began to follow in his footsteps and pursue her own career. “Dan was guiding me through it all,” shares Camille. “He really has been like a mentor to me and has shared his notes and experiences so that I would know what to expect.”

Both Dan and Camille are now Cadet Instructors at ATP Flight School in Arlington, TX. As Envoy Cadet Instructors, they mentor and train aspiring pilots while building their flight hours. They credit ATP and Envoy for Online Live Casinohelping them reach their goals and providing them with the training and opportunities they need to succeed.

When asked their favorite thing about being pilots, Dan and Camille, both agreed it was the freedom that they enjoyed most.

“I love flying and it’s a great feeling being able to control and manipulate the plane,” shared Camille. “It’s not like any other job you could find out there.” Dan agreed saying, “We have the best office view you could ask for.”

Interested in learning more about the Envoy Cadet Program? Visit or and click here for more photos.


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