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No matter how big or small a station is – whether they turn 50 flights a day or just 2 – running a safe and efficient operation will always be most important, not only for our employees but for our customers too. The Envoy team at Watertown International Airport (ART) proved exactly that when they won the American Airlines Customer Cup for the fourth quarter of 2022.

“You all should be proud of what you’ve accomplished,” said Envoy Regional Managing Director Northeast online live casino games at a party to celebrate ART’s Customer Cup win. “Safety-wise, you folks are second to none – I know I can rely on you to put safety first.”

Meeting the challenge

Safety is no small thing, especially when it comes Slots game onlineto running a station in a city that sees a lot of snow and temperatures that sit consistently below freezing. Kevin Ward, Envoy Vice President of Airport Services, hails from upstate New York, and he’s seen firsthand how impressive it is for teams to run a safe and reliable operation in those elements.

“I remember when we opened this station 12 years ago,” said Kevin. “The people here do an outstanding job working as a team, and you really know your stuff when it comes to safety.”

The icy elements of upstate New York are a persistent obstacle that ART General Manager Cheryl Weaver and her team must manage daily to ensure the operation runs smoothly.

“You all have done a very good job while working in some challenging conditions,” Cheryl told Envoy employees online live casino gamesat the party. “I’m very proud of all of you.”

Congrats on your first win, team ART – here’s to many more!

Click here to see more photos from the celebration.

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