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Pictured above: FO Lindsay Richardson & Eagle Aviation Camper, Richard Walker

Recently, some of our team members paid a visit to the C.R. Smith Museum’s Eagle Aviation Summer Camp to meet with participants and offer mentorship to those aspiring aviators.

Envoy best online betting sites, along with FO Lindsey RichardsonFO Zach Kilgore, and FO Brent Spann spent time with the campers, answering their questions and offering career advice as part of the camp’s “Meet a Mentor” program for their 10th-12th graders.

best online betting sitesThe campers learned about the various pathways to an aviation career, how to make a resume, and guidelines for a professional interview. They also participated in mock interviews to help prepare the campers for their dream jobs with Envoy and American Airlines.

Way to inspire our future aviators, team!


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