Envoy Air The largest regional carrier for American Airlines Thu, 05 Sep 2024 15:54:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 /wp-content/uploads/2022/12/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Envoy Air 32 32 Blues, Beale and OBAP /2024/09/05/blues-beale-and-obap/ Thu, 05 Sep 2024 15:52:55 +0000 /?p=47267 Memphis, Tenn. may be known as the Home of Blues, Soul and Rock ‘n’ Roll, but last month it was home to a different sound – the sound of thousands of aviators filling the historic city to take part in the 48th Annual Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP) Conference.

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Every year, the OBAP Conference moves to a different city that holds significance in Black culture and history, and this year in Memphis was one for the books. The city that saw its Black-owned businesses thrive on Beale Street during the Civil War welcomed thousands of Black aviators nearly 200 years later to network and celebrate their accomplishments in the industry with each other.

“This is my second year attending the OBAP Conference, but my first year attending as an Envoy pilot,” said Envoy First Officer Reggie Johnson, Jr. “Coming back this year after completing the Envoy Cadet Program nearly a year ago, I feel like I leveled-up in life. Being here in a whole new uniform and being able to answer the same questions I was asking a year ago for people who are on the same path I was has been the best feeling.”

This year, Envoy was not only a Bronze Sponsor of the Annual Conference, but a proud host of the Memphis Music Welcome Reception, which served to kick off the soon-to-be fun-filled few days.

“This conference means so much to me in general, but being able to come on behalf of Envoy and meet people here in this energized environment makes it all the more special,” adds Air Operations Recruiter Requel Henry. “This is my second year attending the conference and I couldn’t be happier to have a part in the joint success that both Envoy and OBAP see from this event every year.”

Though many people around the Annual Conference could be seen sporting their pilot uniforms, this organization is designed to support all members of the aerospace profession – that means anyone from aircraft mechanics to astronauts are welcome to join in the fun.

“My dad and brother are both auto mechanics, and I have another brother who’s an aircraft mechanic, so working on cars and things of that nature has always been in the bloodline,” said Envoy Little Rock (LIT) Aircraft Mechanic and Crew Chief Danielle Mitchell. “I’ve been an OBAP member since 2004, and it has provided me not only with mentors but with a family that encourages and pushes me to reach as high as I can in my career, and I look forward to reconnecting with that family at every OBAP event.”

With all the fun we had this year, we can’t wait to see what OBAP brings to the plate in 2025!

View the rest of the photos from the conference here.

2023 President’s Award Winner: Ivette Taboas /2024/09/03/2023-presidents-award-winner-ivette-taboas/ Tue, 03 Sep 2024 16:14:41 +0000 /?p=47238 Ivette Taboas has been a dedicated member of the Crew Services Development team at Envoy since 2014. Her exceptional work has earned her the 2023 President’s Award.

“Ivette takes extreme ownership in her job as well as the department. Her positive attitude, work ethic, and ability to get the job done is beyond appreciated and respected. Ivette is the perfect example of what a President’s Award recipient should be,” said a nominator.

What is your Envoy story?

I began my career with Executive Airlines dba American Eagle in San Juan, Puerto Rico back in 2002 as a support staff assisting wheelchair passengers and working at the curbside check in. I fell in love with the airline industry, and it became my career.  In San Juan I worked as a Passenger Service Agent and a Crew Scheduler for the ATR operation. I transferred to American Eagle Crew Scheduling Department in Texas at the end of 2010. I’ve worked in Swaps and Drops, Crew Pay, Crew Planning and Crew Resources, where I have been a part of since 2014.

Are there any significant milestones in your career that stand out to you?

Receiving the President’s Award is an amazing milestone in my career.  It’s a sign that my work is impacting others in a positive way.

How do you stay motivated and maintain high standards in your work?

I have always been motivated to learn the “why” and the “how” of things. That motivation to understand and learn something new is what has kept me growing and accepting new challenges within the company.

What is a specific instance where you went above and beyond in your role?

In the fall of 2023, I had the opportunity to cover directorial duties for my department while the Director was out of office. I’m proud to say that I was able to perform these duties while also keeping up with my day-to-day responsibilities.

Celebrating Women’s Equality Day: The Power of Mentorship in Advancing Women’s Careers /2024/08/26/celebrating-womens-equality-day-the-power-of-mentorship-in-advancing-womens-careers/ Mon, 26 Aug 2024 13:00:58 +0000 /?p=46998 Women’s Equality Day, celebrated every August 26, commemorates the passage of women’s suffrage in the U.S. and celebrates the achievements of women’s rights activists while recognizing progress and reminding us of the unique issues that women face to this day.

As we celebrate Women’s Equality Day, it’s important to recognize the role mentorship plays in empowering women within the workplace. This year, we had the pleasure of speaking with a mentor/mentee pairing from the Women of Envoy (WE) mentorship program that exemplifies the profound impact that these relationships have on professional development and gender equality.


A Mentor’s Perspective: This one’s for the girls

For our mentor, Cleveland Airport General Manager Priscilla Montes, the decision to guide other women in her field was deeply personal. Reflecting on her early career, Priscilla realized how much clearer her path might have been with a mentor by her side. “I faced numerous challenges that could have been mitigated by having a mentor. Once I had one—a female mentor, by the way—everything changed,” she shared. Her desire to give back and support emerging talent was rooted in her understanding of how vital mentorship can be in navigating a career. “Seeing the potential in others and knowing my experience could help them overcome obstacles inspired me to become a mentor.”

One of Priscilla’s proudest moments as a mentor involved her mentee, Crew Scheduling Manager Kristi Shoates. Despite Kristi’s impressive 25-year career, she struggled with work-life balance—a common challenge among high performers, and amplified by the unique needs of airline crew scheduling. Through their mentoring relationship, they worked on setting priorities and establishing a morning routine that mentally prepared Kristi for the day ahead. This guidance not only helped Kristi achieve a healthier balance but also reinforced the mentor’s belief in the transformative power of mentorship.

Growth through mentorship

Mentorship has also been a journey of growth for Priscilla. “It has refined my leadership skills by giving me opportunities to practice active listening, empathy, and strategic thinking,” Priscilla explained. “The process of guiding others has enhanced my emotional intelligence and deepened my understanding of team dynamics.”

To women considering becoming mentors, Priscilla advises embracing the role with an open heart. “Be patient, empathetic, and willing to share your experiences honestly. Mentorship is a two-way street; you’ll learn as much from your mentee as they will from you,” she emphasized.

Mentorship and gender equality

Looking to the future, Priscilla sees mentorship as a crucial tool in promoting gender equality. “Mentorship programs are evolving to be more structured and intentional about addressing gender disparities,” she noted. The Women of Envoy, as well as other groups such as HR Talent Development and the Customer Services Management Development Program (CSMDP) refine their development programs based on feedback from participants and ongoing trends to ensure everyone who is willing, able and dedicated are able to rise to their potential.


A Mentee’s Perspective: Navigating challenges and embracing growth

After being promoted to Crew Scheduling Manager, Kristi Shoates found herself in uncharted territory. “Priscilla was a great resource for me as I transitioned from managing the operation to managing the department as a whole. She encouraged me to set both department and personal development goals,” Kristi recounted.

One significant moment in Kristi’s mentorship journey was when Priscilla introduced her to the Leadership Assessment offered by the Envoy HR Talent Development team. “It was a great tool for my development and for helping my direct report supervisors set goals,” Kristi shared. “It’s great to have someone to bounce ideas off and get a different outlook. This helps me make decisions with confidence.”

Through her mentorship, Kristi gained new perspectives through experiences like the “walk-a-mile” visit to LAX (pictured above) she took with Priscilla, opening her eyes to different aspects of the company. “It was fascinating to see the operation outside of the SOC, where I’ve spent my career,” Kristi reflected.

When asked for her best advice for a successful mentorship, Kristi said, “Come to meetings prepared with topics to discuss, but also be open to what your mentor wants to challenge you with. Mentees must take responsibility for their development while remaining receptive to their mentor’s guidance.”

Women supporting women

Kristi firmly believes in the power of women supporting women. “Seeing other women doing great things helps you see the possibilities for yourself,” said Kristi. “”Priscilla remains a positive influence in my life, even after our formal mentorship ended. She’s an inspiration.”

Thank you to Priscilla and Kristi for sharing your mentorship journeys! As we celebrate Women’s Equality Day, their experiences are just one example of many that remind us of the importance of supporting and uplifting each other, paving the way for a more equitable future.

One year, three Cup wins: Team Charleston continues to elevate the customer experience /2024/08/23/one-year-three-cup-wins-team-charleston-continues-to-elevate-the-customer-experience/ Fri, 23 Aug 2024 14:11:07 +0000 /?p=47049 If you want to see where the tires meet the tarmac on American’s mission to care for customers on life’s journey, visit Charleston International Airport (CHS) in South Carolina. Over the last year, the combined American and Envoy teams at CHS have succeeded in achieving three American Airlines Customer Cup wins – in 3Q23, 1Q24 and now, 2Q24.

So how did the team work together to climb to these heights? Learn more below.

Every quarter, American’s Customer Cup program groups stations into categories of operational likeness and recognizes the top-performing stations in each category based on operational performance and customer satisfaction. For a station to win a Cup, they must outperform their peers across a wide range of metrics such as on-time Departure Performance (D0), Turn Performance (T0), Mishandled Baggage Ratio (MBR), cost control, safety, customer satisfaction surveys, overall airport experience and more.

That’s what sets the Envoy and American teams at CHS apart – the team is not just meeting their goals, they’re at the top of the game against 21 other airports in their category. The team’s hard work has resulted in three Customer Cup wins in the space of a year – for 3Q23, 1Q24 and now, 2Q24.

“I’ve had the opportunity to meet this fantastic team over the last few hours, and what excites me is your attitude to get the job done,” said Franco Tedeschi, American Airlines Vice President, US & Canada Airports and Strategic Partnerships, who joined the team to celebrate their 2Q24 Cup win. “I fully appreciate your success – three Customer Cup wins over four quarters – you should be proud of the team you’ve built here in Charleston.”

So what’s the secret to this success? Like many airports that win a Customer Cup – teamwork.

“It’s never just about one individual, it’s always about us as a team and what we can do together for our customers,” adds Corey Winer, American Airlines General Manager, CHS. “It’s been a challenging summer, as most summers are, and [tropical storm] Debby dropped a lot of rain on us, but we were able to weather through together and keep up the great performance.”

From the ticket counter and BSO to the ramp, gate and operational offices, the entire team is eager to talk with and collaborate to ensure a smooth and pleasant travel experience for our customers and their checked bags. That collaboration extends to the airport and our colleagues at the TSA – everyone is focused on the customer experience.

Echoing Franco’s comments during the celebration, Envoy Lead Agent Tajj Anderson adds “We always stay positive, even if weather and staffing and international diversions can get in the way – the team works together to get it done and overcome.”

So how did the team take the station’s newest Cup win?

“We’re starting to sound like a broken record, but that’s a good thing!” says Seth Haldeman, Envoy General Manager, CHS. “Three wins in one year is phenomenal and it’s really thanks to the combined team here. We’re all working hard to keep up the momentum and go for a clean sweep of Cups in 2024!”

Good luck on the future Cup wins, and congrats to both American and Envoy teams at CHS.

Want to join our team? Click here to view available opportunities.
2023 President’s Award Winner: Whitney Shirley /2024/08/21/2023-presidents-award-winner-whitney-shirley/ Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:43:06 +0000 /?p=46811 What is your Envoy story?

I got started with Envoy almost three years ago when I was 19 as a part time cross functional agent in Watertown, NY. At first, I was only planning to do it on the side while I pursued a marketing degree, but it turned into such a passion for me that I am now planning to make it my whole career! I accepted a promotion to full time customer service supervisor about a year ago and have been thrilled with all the learning opportunities that have come with it. To this day, I still have the supervisor job offer letter hanging up on my fridge because I was so excited about the new position! One thing I really value about Envoy is all the opportunities to develop yourself professionally through course offerings and seminars, which I really enjoy taking advantage of. Envoy leadership always seems very attentive to developing the skills of those below them to prepare them for the next steps, which is extremely important to me.

What do you believe sets your work approach apart from others?

When I was growing up, my parents always taught me to live by the “Golden Rule,” to treat others the way you want to be treated. I have done my best to apply this to my professional life, especially in my leadership role. I believe that if I take care of my agents and make sure they are set up for success, they are far more likely to be happy and productive at work. During IRROPs, I always make sure to get enough food and snacks for both the passengers and the agents to try to keep everyone calm in busy rebooking situations. The agents are always so appreciative, and the passengers are much more understanding of the circumstances when they can see that we really do care about their travel experience. Several times, passengers have come up to me to thank me months later when they are traveling for their next trip which always makes me happy that it worked out for them in the end.

How do you stay motivated and maintain high standards in your work?

A big way that I stay motivated is remembering that I have the chance to make or break so many peoples’ travel experiences. I once encountered an obviously distressed woman waiting outside security who disclosed to me that she was undergoing chemotherapy and felt extremely unwell but had to fly that night. I worked with her to change her seats to places she would be most comfortable and made sure she had the proper edit codes for when she reached her connecting destinations. When she was concerned about having to throw away her ginger ale in security, I checked and ensured she would be able to buy a new one as soon as she crossed the checkpoint and spoke with the flight attendant to make sure she knew that this woman may need extra care on the flight. When she boarded her flight, she hugged me and gave me the sincerest thank you I have ever received. Experiences like that motivate me to care for each of our passengers extra because we never know what battles someone else is fighting.

2023 President’s Award Winner: Vanessa Jimenez /2024/08/20/2023-presidents-award-winner-vanessa-jimenez/ Tue, 20 Aug 2024 14:58:09 +0000 /?p=46807 What is your Envoy story?

I started with the Envoy Communications team in May of 2019, so I just hit my five-year anniversary. Prior to that, I was on the American Airlines Communications team for about three years.

With my time here at the Company, I’ve been able to learn so much, not just about aviation, but about the wonderful people within the company. It’s one of my favorite parts, learning from and about others.

What do you believe sets your approach to work apart from others?

Anytime I interview someone, I always like to make them as comfortable as possible. I know being in front of a camera can sometimes be difficult, so I always let them know that we can stop or pause at any time, start completely over if they’d like, and there are no wrong answers when it comes to their personal stories.

I like to let people know that we’re just having a conversation, and I think that makes them feel a bit better and helps with how they tell their story on camera. I always want to make on-camera talent feel at ease as I think it shows if they are, or not, in the final product.

Are there any memorable moments or significant milestones in your career that stand out to you?

Some of the most memorable moments for me at Envoy have been flying on the flight deck on some of our charter flights – not many people get to do that. Getting a pilot’s point of view is incredible.

I’ve also had the privilege of traveling to some awesome places, like the Embraer factory in Brazil, to see first-hand how our aircraft are built (stay tuned for a video on that). Also, I enjoy working daily with a talented group of people who have helped with the videos that we have produced, and getting recognized for our work has also been a memorable moment in my career.

How do you stay motivated and maintain high standards in your work?

I feel like I’m a lifelong learner. I’m always searching for inspiration and trying to learn new things. I like to challenge myself and I feel that my work represents me in a way, so I always try and do my best with the tools I have.

CDIAC Hosts Back to School Supply Drive at EHQ /2024/08/19/cdiac-hosts-back-to-school-supply-drive-at-ehq/ Mon, 19 Aug 2024 21:39:45 +0000 /?p=46790 Last month, the Envoy Culture, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (CDIAC) hosted a school supply drive at EHQ in support of Keene Junior High in Keene, Texas. Thanks to the generous donations made by Envoy employees and those who volunteered, we were able to sort, pack and deliver 40 boxes of the most requested items to the students and faculty before their first day of school.

“This school supply drive was a great way for employees all across EHQ to give back to the community that we serve,” said Envoy Benefits Administration Specialist and CDIAC member Miranda Key. “We look forward to our next opportunity to host an event like this.”

Kudos to those who pitched in to donate supplies!

From Enthusiast to Aviator: Celebrating National Aviation Day in the Sims with Envoy and AirlineGeeks /2024/08/19/from-enthusiast-to-aviator-celebrating-national-aviation-day-in-the-sims-with-envoy-and-airlinegeeks/ Mon, 19 Aug 2024 14:23:49 +0000 /?p=46762 August 19, marks National Aviation Day in the United States – a holiday established in 1939 to honor the growth and advancements in aviation. To celebrate, Envoy teamed up with AirlineGeeks to invite lucky aviation enthusiasts to take flight in our full-motion flight simulators (SIMs) at Avenger Flight Group.

The response to our social media contest was overwhelming, with aviation fans from all over the country eagerly entering for a shot at this unique opportunity. From hundreds of entries, 12 lucky winners were chosen to participate in this exclusive event, some traveling from Los Angeles, Florida, and Arizona.

Envoy recently made a significant investment in two new Embraer 175/170 full-motion simulators, designed to enhance the training and qualifications of our growing pilot team. These state-of-the-art SIMs, located at an Avenger Flight Group (AFG) facility in Irving, Texas, were the very simulators our contest winners had the chance to fly.

“One of our top priorities is investing in training tools for our pilots,” said Envoy Check Airman Captain Dennis Long. “Offering this experience to passionate aviation enthusiasts on National Aviation Day was a perfect way to showcase our commitment to the future of flight.”

While not in the simulated flight deck, participants toured the AFG facility, received valuable advice from Envoy pilots, and enjoyed some well-deserved snow cones, courtesy of Avenger Flight Group.

“This was a dream come true for me,” shared one participant. “Getting hands-on experience in a full-motion SIM and learning from professional pilots is something I’ll never forget. National Aviation Day will have a special place in my heart from now on.”

This year’s National Aviation Day celebration was more than just a day in the SIMs—it was an inspiring event that connected aviation enthusiasts with the future of flight. Thanks to all who celebrated all things aviation with us last week. And thank you to Airline Geeks and Avenger Flight Group for partnering with us to make this National Aviation Day a memorable one!

Gallery: Envoy Lands at Oshkosh 2024 /2024/08/14/gallery-envoy-lands-at-oshkosh-2024/ Wed, 14 Aug 2024 14:23:59 +0000 /?p=46707 Last month, aviators from all over the world took to the skies to “land on the dot” at Wittman Regional Airport, Wisc. (OSH) for the 2024 Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) AirVenture Oshkosh air show A.K.A. Oshkosh.

“Oshkosh gets bigger and better every year, and we love having the chance to be a part of it,” said Envoy Manager of Air Operations Recruitment Kipp Swannie. “Not only is this a weeklong opportunity to see some of the coolest aircraft both up close and in the sky, it’s also a full week of meeting aspiring aviators from all walks of life.”

This annual event turns the small Wisconsin airport into the busiest airport in the country seemingly overnight, with more than 10 thousand different aircraft – from single engine Cessnas to multi-engine military planes – touching down over the course of the event.

When the record 686,000 attendees weren’t looking up to the skies to watch the daily airshows, they were getting their steps in on the event grounds to see all different kinds of aircraft that came in just for the event, chatting with flight schools from across the country and networking with fellow aviation enthusiasts.

“Oshkosh is unique in that it’s not always the same crowd we see at events like the annual National Gay Pilots Association (NGPA) and Women in Aviation International (WAI) conferences, where many of those attendees already have a few flight hours logged in commercial jets,” said Kipp. “Coming here gives us an opportunity to meet the next generation of aviators and inspire them on their path to whatever realm of aviation draws them most.”

One week wasn’t enough, we’re already excited to see what next year’s air show brings to the table – here’s to Oshkosh in 2025!

CDIAC Hosts Lunch-and-Learn Event at EHQ /2024/08/13/cdiac-hosts-lunch-and-learn-event-at-ehq/ Tue, 13 Aug 2024 18:37:13 +0000 /?p=46694 Last week, employees at Envoy Headquarters enjoyed a recognition lunch-and-learn event hosted in partnership with the Culture, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (CDIAC). The panel, which included employees from Brazil, Canada, Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, the United Kingdom/India and Nepal, talked about their experience moving to the U.S., the immigration process, keeping in touch with family members and how travel brings communities together.

“These are some of my favorite events that the CDIAC hosts, because it’s all about hearing from our employees and learning about their experiences,” said Chanen Lively, Envoy Vice President of Human Resources and Employment Counsel. “From the planning team to our guest speakers, attendees and the entire CDIAC team – thank you for supporting another great event.”

Kudos to our panelists listed below and thank you to everyone who attended this event!

  • Adam Simmons, Director, Communications (Moderator)
  • Celia Larsen, Flight Attendant
  • Jay Shah, Director, Talent Acquisition
  • Jim Burden, Managing Director, Technical Services
  • Meury Corsico, Specialist, Talent Development
  • Sankalpa “Sunny” Sharma, Check Airman


Learn more about diversity at Envoy here.
